- reach
A section of a stream or river with homogeneous characteristics.
- redd
A gravel nest salmon or trout build in which to lay their eggs.
- restoration (of habitats)
The treatment or clean-up of fish habitat that has been altered, disrupted or degraded - for the purpose of increasing its capability to sustain a productive fisheries resource. (DFO Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat, 1986)
- riffle
Relatively fast flowing shallow water in a stream, where an uneven streambed produces surface agitation.
- riparian
The land area adjacent to the high water level of a stream or waterbody, and extending to land directly influenced by the presence of adjacent pond, ground or channeled water.
- rip rap
Broken rocks used to build or reinforce stream banks.
- runoff
Rain fall or snow melt which flows over the ground surface.