- CA
"Community Advisor" (CA) is a job title for a person with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Community Advisors serve as a liaison between Fisheries and Oceans Canada and its contract and volunteer projects. Each CA lives and works in a specific area. The Burrard Inlet area includes North Vancouver, Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Belcarra, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody.
- Canadian Fisheries Waters
All waters in the fishing zones of Canada, all waters in the territorial sea of Canada and all internal waters of Canada. (Canada Fisheries Act, sec.2)
- channelized
(1) A stream channel which has been straightened.
(2) Stream banks which have been reinforced with material.
"City of North Vancouver". A municipality on the north shore of Burrard Inlet.
Approximate boundaries: west of MacKay Creek, east of Lynn Creek mouth, south at Burrard Inlet, north at 28th Street - excluding District of North Vancouver and Squamish Nation lands.
- coho
One of five Pacific salmon species in North America. oncorhynchus kisutch.
- confluence
Point where one stream flows into another.
- conservation
Managing wildlife and habitat to ensure sustainability and biodiversity.
- cutthroat
A fish. A type of trout.
"Department of Fisheries and Oceans" (former). "Fisheries and Oceans Canada" (current).
- deleterious substance
Substance harmful to fish or fish habitat. (Canada Fisheries Act, sec.36.3)
- detritus
Organic debris from decomposing plants and animals.
"District of North Vancouver". A municipality on the north shore of Burrard Inlet.
Approximate boundaries: west at Capilano River, east at Deep Cove, south at Burrard Inlet, north to North Shore mountains - excluding City of North Vancouver and Squamish Nation lands.