- Naturescape
A program to support landscaping and gardening using indigenous plants to create habitat for wildlife in urban areas.
"non-government organization".
- no net loss
A working principle which strives to balance unavoidable habitat losses through avoidance, mitigation, and habitat replacement on a project-by-project basis so that further reductions to Canada's fisheries resources due to habitat loss or damage may be prevented. (DFO Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat, 1986)
- non-point source pollution
Pollutants which enter the environment from a broad area.
"Official Community Plan". A municipality's long term vision and plan for land use within that municipality's boundaries. Usually reviewed and adjusted every 5 to 7 years.
- outfall
The discharge end of a pipe or pipe system.
- oviparous
Laying eggs that are fertilized in the water by the sperm discharged by the male.
- pelagic
Of the open ocean.
- permeable pavement
(1) Artificial ground surface material which allows water to penetrate through to the ground below.
(2) Perforated ground surface material.
(3) Ground cover assembled from separate pieces or pavers (usually concrete, brick, or rock).
"Public Involvement Program".
(1) A municipal government may or may not have PIP policies which require that the public be involved in decision making.
(2) The Fisheries and Oceans Canada PIP includes salmon enhancement projects operated by volunteers, as groups or individuals, or by community organizations in cooperation with Fisheries and Oceans.
- point source pollution
Pollutants which enter the environment from a specific source or site.
- protection (of habitats)
Prescribing guidelines and conditions, and enforcing laws for the purpose of preventing the harmful alteration, destruction, or disruption of fish habitat. (DFO Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat, 1986)
- PSF or PSkF
"Pacific Streamkeepers Federation". A non-profit umbrella organization for streamkeeper groups in the province of B.C. Affiliated with the Streamkeepers Program of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.