Hutchinson Creek

The Hutchinson Creek watershed is located between two larger watersheds, Noons Creek to the east and Mossom Creek to the west.

The creek has fish passage problems, natural and man-made. The stream's naturally low discharge and steep gradient suggest that it may never have supported migratory salmonids, or a small population at best.
Culverts pass under a railway line and a road, beginning 51 meters upstream of the high tide mark.
It is not possible to make the culverts passable to salmon, because of the low water flow and steep gradient.
The short 51 meter section of stream lacks pool habitat for salmon.

There is good fish habitat in the upper reaches, which supports indigenous trout and salmon fry raised by people.

Hutchinson Creek - 1994

Hutchinson Creek Hatchery SALMON POPULATIONS

A unique project has carried out enhancement work since 1992.
An innovative barrel incubator and a small rearing trough are used for incubation and short term rearing of coho and chum.
Fry are released into the stream to populate the natural rearing habitat available in the upper reaches of the creek.
Local school groups and neighbourhood children help with the fry releases.


Hutchinson Creek Hatchery
Larry Cardus
Phone: 604-469-9255

Sandie Hollick-Kenyon
Community Advisor for Burrard Inlet, Indian Arm, Vancouver
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
100 Annacis Parkway - Unit 3, Delta, BC, V3M 6A2
Phone: 604-666-0743
Fax: 604-666-6627
Web: Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Community Advisors

March 3, 2003
February 25, 2006