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Find People
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Many people are involved in managing and restoring stream corridors and habitat.
Individuals, volunteer groups, and government agencies participate in different ways.
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Working on a specific stream or area:
Look up the stream by name
Some streams have a dedicated group or person or government agency working over a longer time period.
Others are worked on periodically or occasionally, during short term projects or studies.
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Check the Stewardship Program lists
The Programs list all participating groups, and the Directories list groups by area, stream, or project type.
Some are sponsored and organized by senior government agencies. Some by NGO (non-government organizations).
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Call the local municipality
Individuals or small volunteer groups may not be represented on the web or found on program lists. They may however, be in contact with their local municipality's Parks or Environment or Planning departments.
Some municipal websites post basic information about local environment groups.
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Municipal staff can initiate, organize and carry out stream projects on behalf of the municipality, in consultation with senior government.
Municipal staff should be knowledgeable about senior government projects undertaken in their area.
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Managing streams or stream policies:
Look at Government
There are different agencies and departments within government, whether senior, regional or local.
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The highest level of government sets laws and management policies, and funds and oversees larger projects and programs.
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State and provincial governments, within their own particular regions, manage programs, policies and projects initiated by their own ministries. Work must comply with senior government laws and directives.
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Municipal staff manage land use, water use and green space within the municipality, generally through different departments. Stream concerns usually overlap departments.
Local stream projects are managed by Environment or Engineering or Parks departments.
Work must comply with senior government laws and directives.
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... examples

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Look at Non-Government Organizations (NGO)
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There are various types of not-for-profit and volunteer non-government groups.
Those involved in stream management projects work in cooperation with government personnel.
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